hého designArchitecture et design sonore

hého, a consulting firm in creation and realization
of sound architecture and sound design



Soundscape refers to a sound or combination of sounds that forms or appears in an immersive environment .

The notion of soundscape refers to both a natural soundscape and sounds created by man through the sound creation and activities of daily life.

Bernie Krause, a pioneer of sound art, talks about his experience as a creator of soundscapes.

If this topic interests you, we suggest you read the book of Murray Schafer : “Sound ” published Wildproject (reissued en2010).

Finally, because a soundscape is not necessarily composed of natural sounds, we leave you with this quote from the precursor Erik Satie :

« There is still to achieve a “furniture music” which would take into account and be part of the ambient noise. I suppose it to be melodious, it softens the noise […] »